Category : Miniature Pinscher |
Description |
The Miniature Pinscher is a well-balanced, small, sturdy, compact, short-coupled, smooth-coated dog who is proud, vigorous and alert. They are muscular, sleek dogs with square proportions and wll-chiseled lines. These dogs are vibrant, vivacious and perky, fun loving extroverts who are great in the show ring or make clever companions. This breed does well as a house dog.
The Miniature Pinscher is a hardy little fellow that is very demanding and headstrong. This proud, overly courageous breed is loyal to the masters, spirited and alert, with high energy. They are intelligent, lively and brave, moderately protective. Some can be very aggressive with other dogs, but they are generally good with other pets and children provided the children do not pester. They are rather suspicious towards strangers, but their behavior depends entirely upon how they were brought up as young pups. It is certainly beneficial for its socialization to take the dog to puppy courses where it can meet other dogs and people. The Miniature Pinscher understands and obeys you very fast. This breed is often called "King Of The Toys." Beware, this little dog will chew small objects and may choke on them. Do not overfeed this breed.
This breed has a hard, smooth, short coat. This coat is easy to groom. This breed is an average shedder.
Patellar luxation, eye problems, cardiac problems, cervical (dry) disc, epilepsy, hip dysplasia, Legg-Perthes disease, and thyroid problems.
The Miniature Pinscher needs vigorous exercise for a little dog. Give them the opportunity to run and play in the yard or daily walks on a lead are suggested. An apartment is adequate as long as some form of exercise is given. Remember, they can be very noisy. An owner of a Miniature Pinscher needs to want to take on a challenge as they are one cantankerous little dog. The best owner for this breed would be an active, patient family or individual living in the suburbs or the city.
Miniature Pinschers learn very quickly and should be given the opportunity to take puppy classes. Pay special attention to housebreaking as they need firm training or they may soon run the home.