Category : Fox Terrier, Smooth |
Description |
The Smooth Fox Terriers are an energetic, inquisitive, playful breed who love to run, chase and explore. They are very friendly and get along well with children. However, a Smooth Fox Terrier may try to dominate other dogs and will treat other small pets in the same fashion it would a fox! This breed, being a terrier, loves to dig and bark when they need to. They are alert and determined, ready to be a great watchdog. The Smooth Fox Terrier is affectionate, trustworthy and eager. They remain an enthusiastic little dog with longer legs than the average terrier. They have mostly white bodies, of short and leanly muscular build. They often have spots of brown and black, especially on the face. Their drop button ears and terrier build attract onlookers even outside the show ring. This breed has a long face that is more slender than the Jack Russell Terrier, which it resembles. Similar to the Wire Fox Terrier except for their coat, the Smooth Fox Terrier is one of the oldest of the terrier breeds who were bred to dig down into burrow to flush out foxes or catch small animals. Easy dogs to live with, they enjoy being a part of the family.
The Smooth Fox Terrier is alert, determined, eager, trustworthy, and affectionate. They are trainable, get along with children, and are very friendly. Bold and active, this terrier likes to dig. Smaller animals are not an option for this breed, as they will often hunt them. The Smooth Fox Terrier is enthusiastic, energetic, and love to play.
Smooth Fox Terriers require minimal coat care except during their twice a year shedding. Brush the coat with a firm bristle brush and bathe only when necessary. Teeth and nails need regular attention as well.
Lens luxation, cataracts, Cushing's disease, deafness, hip dysplasia, Legg-Perthes disease, and skin allergies.
Exercise should consist of a daily walk on the leash and free play in a fenced backyard or a romp in the park.
Learning very quickly, the Smooth Fox Terrier (like any terrier) can be stubborn. Be consistent with training and positive when training your Fox Terrier.